Post-WW2 German Christian and Liberal Conservatism
at Ludovika, Budapest
Date: 5-6. October, 2023.
Venue: Zrínyi Lecture Hall, Ludovika tér 2., Ludovika UPS
Organised by Ferenc Hörcher (UPS Ludovika; HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities)
Sponsoring institutions:
Research Institute of Politics and Government, Ludovika, UPS
HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities
1. Day. 5th October
Welcome and introduction by Ferenc Hörcher
Balázs Arató (Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church) – The concept of tradition in the thinking of Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde
George Joseph Vellankal (University of Szeged) – Joseph Ratzinger’s Rediscovery of Nature and Reason in Normativity
12.00-13.00 break
13.00-15.00 General discussion about the project
2. Day. 6th Ocotober
András Jancsó (UPS Ludovika) – From Mount Sinai to the European Union: Joseph Ratzinger on the European tradition
André P. DeBattista (University of Malta) – The Idea of Europe in the work of Joseph Ratzinger
Csaba Olay (Eötvös Loránd University) – Tradition and politics in Gadamer and Marquard
11.00-11.15 break
Keynote: Richard Bourke (University of Cambridge) – Ritter and the Hegelian Tradition
12.30-13.30 break
Tibor Görföl (University of Pécs) – A Monolithic and Unmovable Tradition? A Comparative Assessment of Josef Pieper and Robert Spaemann
Péter András Varga (HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities) – De-Worlding or De-Secularization? Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) and Robert Spaemann on Entweltlichung in the Tension between Secularization and Universal Mission
Ferenc Hörcher (UPS Ludovika, HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities) – The liberal and Christian conservative tradition in Post- WW2 German political thought
15.00 Conclusions