Intézetünk kutatóinak az elmúlt években megjelent tudományos közleményei, melyeket a Scopus és a Web of Science indexált:
Kovarek, D., & Dobos, G. (2023). Masking the Strangulation of Opposition Parties as Pandemic Response: Austerity Measures Targeting the Local Level in Hungary. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, rsac044.
Nyirkos, T. (2023). Patriotism as a Political Religion: Its History, Its Ambiguities, and the Case of Hungary. Religions, 14(1), 116.
Dobos, G. (2022). Hungary: The expansion and the limits of national politics at the local level. In A. Gendźwiłł, U. Kjaer, & K. Steyvers, The Routledge Handbook of Local Elections and Voting in Europe (1st ed., pp. 293–302). Routledge.
Nyirkos, T. (2022). Conservative orators in Restoration France: Bonald vs. Chateaubriand. European Review of History: Revue Européenne d’histoire, 29(5), 763–777.
Pócza, K., & Oross, D. (2022). From Deliberation to Pure Mobilisation? The Case of National Consultations in Hungary. Politics in Central Europe, 18(1), 79–109.
Pócza, K., Papp, Z., Dobos, G., & Gyulai, A. (2022). Do constitutional courts restrict government policy? The effects of budgetary implications and bloc-politics in the Hungarian Constitutional Court’s decisions between 1990 and 2018. East European Politics, 1–23.
Smrcz, A. (2022). Two Sides of the Same Coin: The Ontology of Money in the Political Economies of David Hume and Adam Smith. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philosophia, 67(1), 117–128.
Dobos, G. (2021). Municipal splits and hidden amalgamations in Hungary. Miscellanea Geographica, 25(1), 37–45.
Hörcher, F. (2021). The program of cultural refinement in 19th century Hungary: The Example of Count Széchenyi and Baron Kemény. ESPES. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics, 10(1), 42–50.
Smrcz, Á. (2021). Nature in Progress – Tocqueville and the Transformation of Natural Law. Ruch Filozoficzny, 1–11.
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